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Choroidal Melanoma
Choroidal Melanoma: Atlas of Clinical Cases
Case 1: Large choroidal melanoma associated with exudative RD.
Case 2: Posterior pole choroidal melanoma.
Case 3: Choroidal melanoma and management of post-radiation retinopathy.
Case 4: Recurrence of posterior pole melanoma eleven years post-plaque.
Case 5: Macular atrophy after brachytherapy (10-year follow-up).
Case 6: Small amelanotic melanoma but poor prognosis.
Case 7: Large peripheral melanoma.
Case 8: Large nasal tumor with a vitreous hemorrhage
Case 9: Choroidal melanoma in the macular area.
Case 10: Large tumor, exudative RD, and liver and lung metastases.
Case 11: Melanoma and NVM three years post-plaque and recurrence treated with transpupillary thermotherapy.
Case 12: Endoresection of hemorrhagic digitiform melanoma.
Case 13: Vitreous hemorrhage of unknown origin and melanoma.
Case 14: Melanoma with associated RD and post-radiation exudates at the posterior pole.
Case 15: Macular amelanotic melanoma.
Case 16: Large juxtapapillary melanoma with associated RD.
Case 17: Choroidal melanoma: seven-year follow-up with good monitoring.
Case 18: Neovascular glaucoma and post-plaque toxic tumor syndrome in amelanotic melanoma.
Case 19: Small size melanoma in the macular area.
BONUS Case 1: Large choroidal melanoma associated with exudative RD. (5:34)
BONUS Case 12: Endoresection of hemorrhagic digitiform melanoma (6:26)
BONUS Case 13: Vitreous hemorrhage of unknown origin and melanoma. (4:15)
BONUS Case 14: Melanoma with associated RD and post-radiation exudates at the posterior pole. (7:42)
BONUS Case 12: Endoresection of hemorrhagic digitiform melanoma
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